Cam Summers
16.02.24 - 27.02.24
‘EXCESSION’ is an intimate exploration of our personal realms. Interrogating the fabric of urban environments, the body of work utilises figurative representations to contemplate themes of internal conflict, consumption, and existence. To prompt both discomfort and self-reflection, the artist represents a homocentric narrative whereby inherently toxic habits are promoted a position within the public space. Influenced by the Viennese ‘Secession’ movement, Summers employs similar notions by metaphorically departing from commonplace views to highlight the grotesque and absurd in ordinary environments, encouraging the viewer to contemplate the passive demise in which society is falling victim.
Sifting through layers of limbs and linking lived experience with imagination is critical for Cam Summers as he places gravity on passing time with each of his works. The contrasting aesthetic of resolved form and unrefined linework produced with charcoal, acrylic, ink, and pastel, represents the intimate resolution of themes playing between emotion and thought. These interpretations are translated through movement and commotion created in the figurative compositions, conveying a chaotic elegance that reflects the artists’ personal perspective.
Photography of exhibition courtesy of Mark Owen.
Opening event sponsored by Bodriggy.
Opening event photography courtesy of Stingray.